Friday, December 11, 2009

The Unknown Sport of Sprint Car Racing

There is a sport that no one is aware of except for a couple thousand people scattered throughout the world. This sport is heavily adored in small portions of the world but is unknown to many. This sport is known as sprint car racing and if you ask most CEOs, they probably have no clue what you are talking about. As it turns out sprint cars are just not good enough for regular TV coverage which is utterly wrong. Sprint cars blaze at speeds of up to 160 miles per hour and slide into the corners of half-mile dirt tracks across the world leaving spectators breath- taken from the great racing. Tell me when you ever will see that in a Formula 1 race.
Sprint car racing has been around since the 60s and has evolved a lot through the years. They have become a lot lighter and faster which enables the cars to fly through the dirt and provide some very exciting racing. Anybody that goes to sprint car races will tell you that they would watch the winged sprints ten times before they would go watch a boring 500 mile INDY car race that no one passes except for on restarts. This is what really has me confused about why an unexciting INDY or F1 race will be on every weekend but sprint car races make it to TV maybe once a month on select television programs. As a an avid sprint car fan, it really ticks me off to see an F1 race on with very little passing and excitement that is live and then watch a sprint car race on TV the next week that I saw three weeks ago in person.
Many sprint car fans like me are questioning this as well. It’s a great sport but sprint cars truly aren’t made for the television market. It’s very unfortunate but sprint car racing doesn’t have the amount of beloved superstars that F1 racing and Indy racing have. You can meet a lot of racing’s best in a local Wal-Mart in town. Does this make it wrong? Heck no I would much rather meet a great sprint car driver in the local retail store and have a good conversation with him or her than have to wait in a two- hour line to meet some INDY superstar that really does not care about the person but just cares about getting to the next autograph to get on their million-dollar private jet to go home. Sprint car racing is a great sport it just does not have the lavish luxuries that come with racing the big-time asphalt tracks around the country.
Personally, I could care less about all those luxuries. When I watch a race I want to see a good race with a lot of passing and action. It really does not matter what you make at the end of the day. I can pay 13 dollars to go to a local sprint car race and love life for 4 hours. I do not need to pay a couple hundred dollars to watch an unexciting race with no passing. Whether, sprint car racing is as popular as INDY or F1, it does not matter. If you show the sprints on TV, people will begin to like it. As a person living in Pennsylvania, I advise you if you want to go have a lot of fun watching a sprint car race, go to a local sprint car race at a dirt track near you. You will have a blast without having to empty your pockets for no reason. I go to William’s Grove Speedway on some Friday nights and Lincoln Speedway every Saturday night. Like I always say dirt’s for racing; Asphalt’s for getting there.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Art of an NFL Field Goal Kicker

The job of a field goal kicker in the NFL is an odd job. The kicker can be a hero or a zero depending on what he does on maybe a maximum of six plays. People love kickers when they do well and kick long field goals but hate them when they miss the uprights. It is no doubt the oddest job in football. A glorious but sometimes horrible job, the kickers have an interesting but odd place in football.
First, kickers are different because their immense size difference from the other players. If you look at a linebacker compared to a kicker, there is an obvious size difference. The linebackers are huge guys that can be 6, 8” and can be up to 300 pounds. However, kickers are little guys that may be six feet tall and may get to 180 pounds if they are lucky which definitely makes the kickers look like elves from the average football player.

Next, kickers make an odd fashion statement in football. Next time you have the chance, take a look at the kicker’s feet. These days, kickers wear two different colored shoes. An obvious odd thing to wear out on the football field, kickers are just a little different. There were also a few kickers that kicked without any shoes at all. Also, while the average football player has a helmet with at least three bars on their facemask that cover at least most of their face, field goal kickers wear helmets with little facemasks that usually have two small bars and cover a little bit of their face which looks very awkward in the NFL.

However, what would the NFL be without field goal kickers? Without kickers there would be no last-second game-winning field goals that decide a lot of games. The kickers sometimes only come into the game for five or six kicks but those five or six kicks can decide a game. This adds a lot of excitement to the game and would take a lot out of the game if field goals weren’t part of the game. There is no doubt that field goal kickers have a weird place in the NFL but without them, the league would not be what it is today.

Also, have you ever tried to kick a 50 yard field goal? It is not an easy thing to do. Most field goal kickers are expected to kick these every Sunday. In fact, in 1998, Jason Elam, the kicker for the Denver Broncos tied the record for the longest field goal kicking a 63 yard boot. Most people can barely get the ball off the ground which shows how much skill these kickers must have to do what they do. It is not an easy job but somebody has to do it and kickers are arguably a very important part of the game. They kick balls farther than most people can dream of. It is an odd job in the NFL but it is definitely an epic one.

Here is also some of the crazy music that the elf-like kickers like to listen to.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Sit Down with Dominic From War Dance

Interview with Dominic Santiago

Northern Uganda suffered from civil unrest since the early 1980s. Hundreds of people were killed in the rebellion against the Ugandan government, and an estimated 400-thousand people were left homeless. Political violence increased in Kampala with the 1998 and 1999 bombings of several popular restaurants nightclubs, and other public places. Eight foreign tourists, including two Americans, were murdered by an Interehamwe guerilla group in Bwindi National Forest in March 1999. The genocide continues today.

D.P = Devan Poist
D.S = Dominic Santiago

D.P- How’s it going Dominic?

D.S- Im doing just fine, thank you

D.P- First off, I would like to congratulate you on making it to the National Music Competition, how much does that mean to you?

D.S- It just means the world to me; I always say “I want to be a musician because playing the xylophone is like a gift from god. Without music there would be no life”.

D.P- How long would you like to be in music?

D.S- Certainly as long as I can, its my passion and I enjoy nothing more than music

D.P- Do you think you could join the Lords Resistance Army?

D.S- I would never want to, but faced with life or death I just can’t say if I would or I wouldn’t

D.P- What does it mean to you to sit down in a safe, clean room with me to do this interview

D.S- You have no idea, back home in our village the threat of danger is always eminent. You can never feel to safe

D.P- Last what is your favorite activity away from music?

D.S- Soccer for sure, I think its that way around all of Uganda

D.P- Thank you for your time.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Interview with Dominic Santiago

The children of war torn northern Uganda have been through a lot. Most kids have lost there parents and there families and are kidnapped and forced in to murdering people. The music that these children play soothe their souls and make them forget about their past experiences. Dominic Santiago is a former child soldier who is also a virtuoso xylophone player.

R.L.: How are you doing today?

D.S.: I’m doing fine thank you

R.L.: What was it like being a child soldier for the lord’s resistance army?

D.S.: It was very sad; I saw a lot of murders and even had to murder people myself.

R.L.: How big is music in your life?

D.S.: Music is a big part of my life it soothes and comforts me

R.L.: What was it like to go to the national music competition?

D.S.: It was a great experience to play my xylophone at the national music competition and actually win an award when I was there.

R.L.: Do you think you will be interested in music as your life progresses?

D.S.: Of course it will be, it saves me from my terrifying past when I play my music I don’t think about what happened in the past.

R.L.: Do you plan to have a career in music?

D.S.: Yes, I want to be involved in music as long as I can

R.L.: Thank you for your patience today; it was nice speaking with you.

D.S.: It was my pleasure

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Off-Season

Now that the fall soccer season has officially ended for all schools and teams, it is time for coaches to turn their attention to the offseason. The offseason is one of the most important times for the development of teams and players. Soccer coaches need to come up with an off-season program that will benefit a single player as well as the team. A good off season soccer program combines the elements of speed, agility, good touches, and stamina.
An important part of being a good soccer player is having stamina. The offseason is a good time for a soccer player to develop their aerobic ability. Playing small sided games can help raise the heart rate and develop some cardiovascular fitness but it is also important that the athlete do some work on their own. After the season has ended and the athlete has had some time to rest, the next weeks should include some aerobic work. The athlete should try to run 20 to 25 minutes and gradually build up to 30 or 40 minutes. By building up their stamina, the soccer player can run for longer sustained periods during a game.
All soccer players must have some level of speed. Athletes can work on speed by doing small distance sprints and moving ahead to long distance sprints. It is important to work on small distance sprints in order to develop good acceleration and explosion. By progressing to long distance sprints, it can then simulate the longer sprints required in a soccer match. The soccer player should work on good form. They can also incorporate long slow distance runs with sprints in between. There are also various soccer devices designed specifically for speed training that can be used on an individual or as a team.
The way that a soccer player moves on the field is very important. Timing and quickness is everything in how a soccer player moves. A delay or wrong movement could lead to an opponent stealing the ball and putting together a scoring chance. Agility helps a soccer player move correctly and efficiently. There are many different agility drills that you can do and find in different soccer books. After much practice all your players will have good touches, be agile, and be quick. You should realize a change for the better in your club.
New Oxford Colonials boy’s soccer has quite a long training season ahead of them but it should pay off, come time to take the pitch.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thats One Expensive Step For Man Kind...

In 2012, a Barcelona Hotel company will begin accepting its first payments for a few lucky (and rich) vacationers to go to a destination out of this world…literally. The Barcelona based architects of The Galactic Suite Space Resort say it will cost about 3 million euro ($4.4 million) for a three night stay at the terrestrial destination. Its not all fun and games in space because along with the space trip guests will have to endure an eight week training course on a tropical island. During there stay at the hotel guests will be able to experience the sun rise 15 times a day and travel around the world about once every hour. They would have to wear Velcro suits just so they can crawl around their pod rooms by sticking themselves to the ceiling and walls just like Spiderman does it. Ideas for this hotel have already started and Scientists say it wouldn’t be hard to believe that in 15 years you could be floating in space with your kids. British Billionaire Richard Branson has plans to launch his space tours program from the hotel at an outstanding $200,000 dollars a ride. Galactic Suite set up in 2007, hopes to start its project with a single pod in orbit 280 miles above the earth, traveling at 30,000 km per hour, with the capacity to hold four guests and two astronaut pilots. It will take a total of a day and a half to reach the pod, with no body to greet them at the door. When passengers arrive in the rocket, they will join it for 3 days, rocket and capsule. With this we create in the tourist a confidence that he hasn’t been abandoned. After three days the passenger returns to the transport rocket and returns to earth. What will we think of next?

Interview with Dominic Santiago, a Victimized Child of Patongo

There have been many horrible happenings in Patongo. Rebels have dragged mothers and fathers from their homes where their children are and killed the parents leaving the children alone without family. Then the rebels take the children and make them kill their own people. It is a hard time to think positive in Patongo but the victimized children have found a way out of this madness by competing in the National Music Competition.

A.R.: Hi Dominic, how are you doing?

D.S.: Pretty good; I am fine and ready to answer your questions.

A.R.: Well to start out, do you play any sports in the village?

D.S.: Yes, we like to play soccer

A.R.: Do you consider this musical competition a sport to you?

D.S.: Yes, it is very fun but we also want to win.

A.R.: Losing your father to the rebels, what do you believe should be done to these people?

D.S.: I am very sad about this and believe that these people should be punished and put in jail. I love my father and he should have not been killed.

A.R.: That sounds very logical Dominic. So next, how did you feel about your groups chances at winning the competition?

D.S.: I felt very good about our chances at winning because we practiced very hard.

A.R.: After, the competition, you were announced as the best overall musician at the competition. Congratulations and how do you feel about getting this award?

D.S.: Thank you and I am very happy to win this award. I feel proud to represent my village this way.

A.R: Yes, you did a wonderful job playing the xylophone and you represented your village very well. How do you feel about winning the Traditional Dance Award?

D.S.: Yes we were very happy about winning this award and believe our hard work has paid off.

A.R.: Yes, you should be very proud of your selves. Well, its been a pleasure interviewing you and thank you very much.

D.S: It’s been a pleasure and thank you. Have a nice day.

A.R.: Have a good day.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Meeting Jackie Robinson

How difficult was it to overcome poverty and grow up from nothing into a famous historical icon?

“The right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time.”

So I hear you are quite competitive, what’s your take on winning and losing?

“It kills me to lose. If I'm a troublemaker, and I don't think that my temper makes me one, then it's because I can't stand losing. That's the way I am about winning, all I ever wanted to do was finish first.”

You hold the record for best fielding percentage by a second baseman; do you have any theories on how this came to be?

“Pop flies, in a sense, are just a diversion for a second baseman. Grounders are his stock trade.”

Mr. Robinson, did you mind retiring right after your team missed the pennant race and the first time in ten years of your career?

“None at all. I feel very, very good. I am awfully happy in my new job. I am with a bunch of fine people, and I like it very much.”

Now that you are retired are you going to head out to a lot of the Dodgers games?

“I will occasionally go to them. Not too much.”

Teams like the Yankees can buy all the talent in the league, what is your take on them?

“I don't think that is the reason why the Yankees are so successful. I think that, very frankly, a lot of ball players when they are young are very, very anxious to join the Yankee chain. I think that tradition that they hear about so much has a lot to do with it, and they get in the organization. I believe that is what it is, personally.”

How do you see baseball?

“Baseball is like a poker game. Nobody wants to quit when he’s losing; nobody wants you to quit when you’re ahead.”

Jackie Robinson is most widely known for his great baseball career.
Jackie was born in Cairo, Georgia and overcame poverty to become the first and one of the greatest African American baseball players ever! He was born in 1919. Jackie’s father left his family soon after his birth leaving his mother to tend to all 5 children. He attended Pasadena Community College after excelling at everything in high school. He transferred into UCLA to become an all-american in track, football, baseball and basketball. While doing all of this, Jackie maintained great grades as well. In 1942 he was drafted into the war soon after Pearl Harbor. After receiving an honorable discharge from the army Jackie was signed by the Kansas City Monarchs, a Negro baseball league team. Robinson played one year in the Negro league before playing minor league ball for the Brooklyn Dodgers. On April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first black baseball player in all of Major League baseball.
Robinson’s ethical choice was putting up a fight to break the color barrier in the MLB. It not only shaped him, but all of baseball for years to come. He even shaped current baseball and paved the way for other black greats such as: Hank Aaron and Reggie Jackson.

U.S Soccer Player Severely Injured

The United States’ International team was blind-sided by the news that break out forward Charlie Davies will not be playing for them in the world cup as he is beginning his 6-12 month strenuous recovery. Now game in and game out Davies provided excitement and productivity for the U.S. up top at forward. Ever since Charlie Davies was a boy he’s strived for excellence in everything he’s attempted. His father (his soccer coach from age 7 to 15) pushed him to his breaking point almost every day. Davies developed the work ethic his father introduced to him, that of a yeoman. As a young man, Charlie was also a great wrestler, finishing 3rd in the nation his senior year of high school at 145 lb weight class. Wrestling taught Davies great self-discipline.
This self-discipline will be greatly needed in his long road to recovery. Now, most may be thinking this athlete got hurt playing his sport, soccer. That, in fact, would be wrong, Charlie Davies was broken all over during a tragic and fatal car crash in Arlington Virginia. Davies and the driver survived, but tragically, Ashley J. Roberta passed away in this fatal crash. Davies suffered a broken right femur and tibia, a broken left elbow, facial fractures and a lacerated bladder. The 23-year-old Davies is lucky to even still be breathing, nevertheless play soccer again. Soccer should not even be on his mind. It is not very likely he will even play again.
Doctors placed titanium rods into Davies’ femur and tibia and began him on his extensive rehabilitation. All this happened in the not-so-far away Arlington Virginia and on Tuesday morning, October 13th.
With that on their minds, the U.S. had to come back and play Costa Rica to maintain the lead in their division for the World Cup Qualifying round and they pulled out a 2-2 tie to lock in a spot in the World Cup.
This kind of awful incident shows you how down to earth professionals actually are, in that it happened semi-locally and one minute the exhilarating Davies is flying down the field scoring goals feeling invincible and the next he is in a hospital bed lucky to be alive!

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Great Time to be Brett Favre

Brett Favre has had a great year so far beating his former team, the Green Bay Packers 23-30 at the Vikings home last Monday in Minnesota. Brett had another good game Monday racking up 271 yards on three touchdown passes. Also, not only was this game Brett’s first game against his former team but Favre has now beat all 32 NFL teams in the league.
Brett has had a great season but he has not done it all himself. With a great running back like Adrian Peterson in the backfield he has not had to. Adrian Peterson has rushed for 412 yards and has got in the end zone five times. Also, Brett has had great receivers to back him up. With the likes of rookie standout, Percey Harvin, and veterans, Bernard Berrian and Sidney Rice, all Brett has to do is get the ball there and they will do the rest.
At 4-0 Brett has done his job for the Vikings. Racking up 837 yards on 8 touchdowns for his team, number four obviously has a home in Minnesota. The other great thing about Brett Favre this season has been that he has only thrown one interception in four games. The risky throws have always either made Brett Favre’s day or eluded him depending on the outcome. There is no doubt Brett has made smarter decisions this year than in seasons past.
Brett has been the talk of controversy over the past couple months. Between retirement and not retiring has obviously been a tough decision for Favre. In July, he told the Vikings’ head coach Brad Childress that he would stay in retirement. Then later in August after training camp he changed his mind and signed with the Vikings. He did this last year from the Packers to retiring to the Jets. A lot of people have lost respect for Favre because of this but people still love to see him on the field doing what he does best.
Brett loves the game and has a hard time walking away from a sport he loves.
Overall Favre is a great fit for the Vikings. The Vikings were in need of a good quarterback and Brett Favre obviously fits the criteria. Its not that Tarvarus Jackson is a bad quarterback; its just people don’t consider him Brett Favre just yet. Supposedly there was a lot of tension in the Vikings’ locker room when Brett Favre just walked into the organization and started over Jackson. However, the Vikings obviously warmed up to Favre pretty quick because they named him team captain a month later. Another example of why people can’t help from loving Favre is when he threw one of his touchdowns Monday night he went to jump to hit Chester Taylor in excitement and he almost knocked the sturdy running back over which shows how much emotion Favre has for the game. It seems that wherever Brett Favre goes people take him as a leader and love him like just another great teammate.

Interview With Bill France Sr.

Bill France Sr. is the founder of NASCAR which is the most popular racing organization in America which makes Bill a great historical figure. Bill was born in and grew up in Washington D.C. As a teen, he often skipped school to go to speed tracks around the Maryland area and even entered his own car in a couple of races. France started working as a bank teller. Bill later left banking to open up a service station as a skilled mechanic. During the Great Depression, Bill packed up his wife, Anne and son, Bill Jr. to seek his fortune in Florida. When his car broke down in Daytona Beach, he realized he liked the spot and decided to stay and work on cars at a local automobile dealership. Daytona Beach was a great place for auto racers who flew across the sand. After that there was a race in Utah that gave $5,000 to win where France took fifth. By 1941, France began to promote and organize races. After World War II, Americans really began to get interested in racing. France benefited from this interest and transformed stock car racing from a back-woods sport to a national past time. In 1947, France organized a set of drivers into the National Association of Stock Car Racing or better known as NASCAR. This organization began to race on superspeedways that were built by another corporation France made called the International Speedway Corporation. In 1959 Daytona International Speedway was built in the famous town of Daytona Beach and hosts the most famous NASCAR race of the year annually known as the Daytona 500. Later in 1969, in a town in Alabama, Talladega Superspeedway was made. Bill kept building the sport to what it is now and has been inducted into the International Motorsports Hall of Fame. Bill retired in 1972 and gave the position to his son Bill Jr. Bill later died on June 7, 1992.

A.R.: Hi Mr. France it is very nice to meet you today how are you?

B.F.: Very good I am delighted to be here today.

A.R: Well I’d like to start today on asking you how do you feel about unions in NASCAR?

B.F.: Personally, I believe that unions are great things in the American workforce but do not belong in auto racing.

A.R.: Why not?

B.F: Because I believe that what some of the drivers that were making this union were doing was not healthy for the sport. They said that it would give drivers a lot of benefits but there were also other things that they were going to do if they got my permission that would hurt the sport.

A.R.: Who were the drivers that tried to make this NASCAR union?

B.F.: It was Curtis Turner and Tim Flock.
A.R.: What were the things that these drivers were trying to do once they got a driver’s union?

B.F.: They were trying to pass betting in this sport and I was not having it with the funds of accountant William Rabin and confidant Jimmy Hoffa.

A.R.: Did you just talk to the driver’s or punish them?

B.F.: I banned the drivers and they took me to court but we ended up winning the case anyway.

A.R.: Why did you install such harsh punishment on the Turner and Flock?

B.R.: Because I said NASCAR is the only sport that has not had some kind of scandal and I intend to keep it that way. Organized gambling will not be tolerated and these boys knew what they were getting into.

A.R.: O okay that makes good sense Mr. France. Now on a lighter note, I heard when you were a young boy; you used to skip school to go to local races. Is this true Mr. France?

B.F.: Yeah, I’m going to have to admit I did skip school for races when I was a kid. I wouldn’t support it today but I will admit that I was a bit of a trouble maker in my younger days.

A.R.: Very interesting, last question Mr. France, when you step down as the president of NASCAR, who do you want to replace you?

B.F.: Well, I would like my son, Bill France Jr. to take over the job. I hope he would like to take over the responsibilities of a great organization and continue the great tradition of NASCAR.

A.R.: Thank you so much for doing this interview with me. It was a pleasure to interview you and I would love to keep in contact with you for possible later interview dates.

B.F.: Thank you very much and I’ll see you later.

Child Obesity a thing of the past

Child Obesity, A thing of the past
Random Students attending New Oxford High School in grades 9 and 10 recently participated in a survey asking how many hours a week they exercise by them selves; this excludes gym classes or practices. In total 56 students were involved. Of those 56 students 18 said they exercised 10 or more hours a week on there own. 13 said they worked out about 8 or 9 hours a week. 9 Students said that they exercised 4-7 hours a week. The remaining 13 said they didn’t exercise at all or under 4 hours a week. Looking at the results I cant see that the child obesity issue cant be a problem for much longer.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

NBA season tips off

By: Ryan Leib
The NBA season tips off on Tuesday October 27, 2009 with four great matchups. The first game is Boston at Cleveland both were playoff teams from a year ago. Cleveland lost a tremendous matchup in the conference finals to the Orlando Magic who beat the Celtics in the first round of last year’s playoffs. The next matchup on opening night is the Washington Wizards at the Dallas Mavericks. The Wizards come off of a disappointing season with a 19-63 record, second worse in the NBA. The Mavericks made it to the western conference semi-finals but would eventually lose that series to the Denver Nuggets. The third matchup of the night is the Houston Rockets at the Portland Trailblazers. The Houston Rockets come off a heartbreaking way to end their season last year losing to the Los Angeles Lakers four games to three in the Western Conference Semi-finals. All of these teams are starting off with a clean slate for the 2009-2010 NBA seasons.
Many teams have very explosive rookie prospects to play for them this year. One of the explosive rookies is Stephen Curry. Stephen is playing for the Golden State Warriors. Stephen Curry had an early exit from college coming out as a junior. Although Stephen was an explosive player he did not face many of the big time schools. Stephen played for Davidson College in Charlotte, NC. Another great prospect is Tyler Hansbrough who is coming off a national championship run with the North Carolina Tar Heels. Although Hansbrough was a breakout player in college, his size will be a tough thing to deal with. He may be too small to play center like he did in college. His strong position in the NBA might be the small forward position for the Indiana Pacers. This season is sure to be a great one for NBA fans. Offensive firepower will be a big factor for many teams this year. Over the past years the young guys have been looking to take the spotlight and turn the NBA into the new school. With this recession apparently over this is looking to help the NBA this year.
The western conference looks to stay the dominant conference in the NBA with all the great teams in the eastern conference some may be skeptical that the western conference is the weak conference in the NBA. This season is sure to entertain fans of the NBA this year.

Walter Cronkite Interview

By: Ryan Leib

Walter Cronkite was a CBS evening news anchorman from 1962-1981. He has created great importance in the Broadcast Communication world. He has inspired many people over the years; he was to be voted the “Most trusted figure” in American public life. Over the years Cronkite has been scrutinized by Politicians, intellectuals, and fellow journalists. Walter Cronkite had joined CBS in 1950. His first job was at CBS’s Washington affiliate and then he joined the national network. In April 1962, Cronkite took over the anchormans position from Douglas Edwards on the CBS Evening News. Cronkite later was first on the air reporting the Kennedy Assassination. Cronkite also covered huge stories such as the Vietnam War. His stories were rather controversial when he covered the Vietnam War. Many criticized Cronkite for not taking more risk in his news stories. He was also criticized because of his preference for short “breaking stories.” Some people referred to his time in the spotlight as “the magic.” In 1981, in accord with CBS, Cronkite retired. In 1993 he signed a contract with the Discovery and Learning channel to do thirty-six documentaries in three years. He later became the norm in television news. Cronkite later died in New York on July 17, 2009. He was 92 years old.

R.L.: Hello Mr. Cronkite it is a pleasure to have you here today, how are you?

W.C.: I’m fine thank you its great to be here

R.L.: What was it like to be such an icon to the American people and future journalists?

W.C.: It feels great to inspire people to be journalists for decades to come.

R.L.: Do you feel that your stories had an impact on America as a whole?

W.C.: Yes I do because the American people wanted news and I gave them something to talk about.

R.L.: Do you feel that some of your news stories were controversial?

W.C.: Yes I do but I covered the tough stories which other journalists did not want to cover.

R.L.: What was it like to cover the Vietnam War?

W.C.: It was a great experience that most people would not get to do or would not want to do.

R.L.: How successful do you think your career was as a whole?

W.C.: I think it was very successful I think all the criticism made me stronger as a journalist.

R.L.: How did your family help you throughout your career?

W.C.: My wife helped me stay confident and be the best journalist I could be.

R.L.: Thank you for being here it has been a pleasure

In & Around Tim Lincecum

Tim Lincecum Interview

For what achievement is this person most widely known? What is their life story?
- Led high school team to 3 single a championships
- Named Washington’s Gatorade Player of the Year
- Rated as 2nd best amateur prospect by Baseball America in 2006
- 2-time Pac-10 Conference player of the year
- 2008 CY Young winner
- All Star pitcher in 2008 and 2009

Devan: You have many nicknames, but what is your favorite?
Tim: I would have to say my old nickname from college, Sea biscuit, and the smallest underdog horse who ran faster than he looked.

Devan: What is your favorite pre-game meal?
Tim: Quick stuff, probably Easy Mac

Devan: If you were stranded on a desert island what three things would you take? Tim: If would have to say my family, Three of best friends, and probably a ball and a glove
Devan: Do you have any pre-game superstition that helps you play better? Tim: I polish my shoes before every game. I try not to think about the pressure to much… just have fun.
Devan: If you could spend a day with any athlete present or past, who would it be? Tim: Probably Sandy Koufax, I learned so many things watching him on TV.
Devan: Finally, what is the one thing you could not live without?
Tim: Defiantly baseball, it’s just always been there.

Go Big Or Go Home

The 2009 MLB Postseason starts off this weekend with many exciting matchups around the league. The Winner of a close pennant race The Minnesota Twins will face off against the best rated team in the MLB, The New York Yankee’s. The Yankees have left the Twins winless against them in the regular season as they take the series 7-0. For the first game the Twins will put rookie right handed pitcher Brian Duensing against the Yankees 19 game winner C.C Sabathia. For game two the Twins will have there best pitcher Nick Blackburn against former Blue Jay A.J Burnett. For game three the Twins will have there most seasoned pitcher, Carl Pavano against long time Yankee, Andy Petite. The Twins Throwers will have a tough time against the Yanks hitters as Derek Jeter leads in both Batting average and on base percentage and Mark “Tex” Teixeira leads in both Home Runs and Rbi’s. The Twins also put up impressive hitting stats as Catcher Joe Maur leads the Twins in Batting average. In other leaders columns Michael Cuddyer leads in homers as Jason Kubel leads in RBI’s. It should be a very exciting series to watch.

The N.L Match up for the A pool will be between the Rockies of Colorado and the Philadelphia Phillies. The Phillies are the Winners of the N.L East and had to beat out tough teams such as the Florida Marlins and the Atlanta Braves. The Rockies however, have had an even harder division to deal with then the Phillies. To even get into the playoffs they had hold off second place wild card finisher, the San Francisco. The Rockies were also very close to getting into the playoffs as the #1 seed but in there way was the LA Dodgers. On The hitting attack for the Phillies will be RBI leader batting second Shane Victirino. Ryan Howard leads in homeruns and RBI’s like usual. The Rocks have Todd Helton leading the team in Batting average while seasoned Rocky Troy Tulowitzki.The probable’s for the playoff series will be game one; Rockies righty Ubaldo Jimenez against a red hot Cliff Lee. Game two will have last years World Series MVP Cole Hammels against a smoking Aaron Cook, three and four pitchers will be, well no body knows as both clubs haven’t yet decided who there going to go with. Either way the series should be a tight matchup.

The A.L B pool series will consist of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim against World Series fever team the Boston Red Sox. Over the past couple of years the Angels have had a tough time defeating the Sox in the postseason as in the 2008 first round of the playoffs, the BoSox were able to defeat a heavily favored Angel team. The regular season series between the two teams were evenly split 3-3. For game one the Sox will send leftie Jon Lester against a playoff familiar pitcher John Lackey. Game two will be the best as Red Sox #1 pitcher Josh Beckett takes the hill against Angels junk ball pitcher Jered Weaver. Both teams hope to be able to finish off the other team going into game three, so the Sox will have Clay Buckholz against the Angels recent addition from The Tampa Bay Rays, Scott Kazmir. The Red Sox have a famous lineup as first basemen Kevin Youkilis (The Youk) leads the team in Batting Average as Jason Bay leads in both Homeruns and Rbi’s. The Halo’s have an equally potent offense as Eric Aybar leads the team in Batting Average, perhaps the most underrated 1st basemen in the A.L Kendry Morales leads in both Homeruns and Rbi’s. Maybe this year The Halo’s will have a better time knocking off the pesky Red Sox.

The final round one series could be the most exciting one in recent playoffs. The N.L’s best record Los Angeles Dodgers face off against World Series favorites The St. Louis Cardinals. The Dodgers have proved themselves worthy of a title as the fought off both Wild Card winner Colorado Rockies and The San Francisco Giants on route to a 2009 N.L West pennant. The Cardinals title should also be noted that it wasn’t without a couple of bumps and bruises because they had to finish off teams the likes of The Chicago Cubs and The Milwaukee Brewers. For the hitting attack the Dodgers a decent hitting offense as Andre Ethier leads the team in both Home Runs and Rbi’s. Matt Kemp leads the club Batting Average. The Cardinals also have a stellar hitting offense; due mostly to the part of M.V.P canadite 1st basemen Albert Pujols leads the team and much of the N.L in Batting Average, Home Runs, and Rbi’s. The first game will consist of a righty vs. leftie matchup as St. Louis sends out #1 pitcher Adam Wainwright to the mound against the Dodgers 21 year old Clayton Kershaw. Game two will have probably the greatest impact as recent addition to the Dodgers Vicente Padilla against a decent Joel Pineiro.The possible decider of the series will have Dodgers ace Chad Billingsly facing off against a TBA for the cardinals. This series could be one of the greatest of all time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The NFL season kicks off!

The NFL season kicks off with an exciting AFC matchup on Thursday September 10th 2009, when the Tennessee Titans visit Heinz Field to face the defending Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers. The Titans bring their high powered offense to Pittsburgh with the NFL’s eighth leading rusher Chris Johnson. Pittsburgh’s number one defense plans to minimize the Titans tandem of Smash and Dash (Chris Johnson and LenDale White). Other exciting games include Green Bay and Chicago, Buffalo and New England, Washington and New York Giants. The New England Patriots are expected to do great things this year with their franchise Quarterback Tom Brady healthy after last season’s season ending knee injury, but Buffalo is ready to kick start their offense with newly acquired Terrell Owens. Green Bay and Chicago look to do battle at Lambeau Field; Chicago’s new Quarterback Jay Cutler is hoping to lead the Bears to an NFC north title. Eli Manning and the New York Giants look to beat NFC east rival Washington Redskins. The Jacksonville Jaguars take on Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts on week 1. The Colts kick off their season with new head coach Jim Caldwell, they look to have the same success as past years with former coach Tony Dungy. The Miami Dolphins take on the NFL Rookie of the Year Matt Ryan and the Atlanta Falcons. The AFC North looks to bring their explosive defense back into play for 2009. The Steelers added to their defensive firepower by drafting Defensive End Ziggy Hood with the 32nd overall draft pick in the 2009 NFL Draft.

2008 Team Stats

Total Defense
1. Pittsburgh Steelers
2. Baltimore Ravens
3. Philadelphia Eagles
4. Washington Redskins
5. New York Giants

Total Offense
1. New Orleans Saints
2. Denver Broncos
3. Houston Texans


This year could be a great season with lots of competition in the NFL even with the economic problems that affects all of the NFL General Managers and team owners.

Same Face, New Place

Old Team Player New Team

Denver Broncos Jay Cutler Chicago Bears

New York Jets Brett Favre Minnesota Vikings

Dallas Cowboys Terrell Owens Buffalo Bills

New England Patriots Richard Seymour Oakland Raiders

Atlanta Falcons Michael Vick Philadelphia Eagles

Oakland Raiders Derrick Burgess New England Patriots

Chicago Bears Brandon McGowan New England Patriots

Washington Redskins Shawn Springs New England Patriots

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Joey Galloway New England Patriots

First overall draft pick in the 2009 NFL Draft Matthew Stafford is going to lead the once winless team in 2008 to possibly victory this season. A lot are criticizing the quarterback choice by Head Coach Jim Schwartz. Stafford is under a lot of pressure by the fans in Detroit. Some say Stafford is not ready to start because of his inexperience in the NFL.
A lot of offensive coordinators have been fired over the past few weeks including Jeff Jagodzinski from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Turk Schonert Buffalo Bills, and Chan Gailey Kansas City Chiefs. Most of the fired offensive coordinators were fired for their performance.

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World Cup Coming Soon: U.S. High Hopes

Due to the young United States International team’s progress in the Confederation’s Cup, they are finally ranked in the top fifteen best international teams, and also a team to watch. The world cup is showing up sooner than you’d think, and the United States is looking good. The United States is currently ranked 11th out of every country attempting to qualify for the World Cup! They’ll easily qualify into the World Cup as they’re playing terrifically in the North/Central America Qualifying Pool, since the United States’ is tied with Honduras for first place in the pool.
The United State’s team is led by their captain Carlos Bocanegra, and other grizzled veterans such as Landon Donovan, Clint Dempsey, and Tim Howard. Carlos Bocanegra is a staple in the heart of the American defense. He plays center defender, and plays it very well. Landon Donovan plays forward and sometimes midfield, Donovan is the leading scorer for the United States having scored currently 41 international goals. Clint Dempsey is a good counterpart for Landon Donovan on the U.S. team; he is a rising star who is gaining popularity up at the striker position. Tim Howard is arguably one of the best international goal keepers. Howard won the Golden Glove Award for best keeper in the Confederation’s Cup making 8 saves in a shut-out win in the semi-final against the number one team in the Confederation’s Cup, Spain, and on top of that, he made many other saves against other opponents. There is a bright future ahead for U.S. soccer in that we have one of the best young players in the world. Jozy Altidore is an amazing 19 year old forward, and we also have the young 20 year old Freddy Adu also playing forward. Other talented young players include defenders, Jonathan Spector and Jonathan Bornstein, and midfielders Benny Feilhaber, and DaMarcus Beasley.

U.S. Soccer Roster (Game day 18 man roster)

No. Pos. Player DoB (Age) Caps Goals Club
1 GK
Tim Howard
March 6, 1979 (age 30) 46 0 Everton

2 DF
Jonathan Spector
March 1, 1986 (age 23) 20 0 West Ham United

3 DF
Carlos Bocanegra
May 25, 1979 (age 30) 72 11 Rennes

4 MF
Michael Bradley
July 31, 1987 (age 22) 36 6 Borussia Mönchengladbach

5 DF
Oguchi Onyewu
May 13, 1982 (age 27) 49 5 Milan

6 DF
Steve Cherundolo
February 19, 1979 (age 30) 54 2 Hannover 96

7 MF
Stuart Holden
August 1, 1985 (age 24) 8 2 Houston Dynamo

8 MF
Clint Dempsey
March 9, 1983 (age 26) 59 17 Fulham

9 FW
Charlie Davies
June 25, 1986 (age 23) 16 4 Sochaux

10 FW
Landon Donovan
March 4, 1982 (age 27) 118 41 Los Angeles Galaxy

11 FW
Brian Ching
May 24, 1978 (age 31) 43 10 Houston Dynamo

12 DF
Jonathan Bornstein
November 7, 1984 (age 24) 22 1 Chivas USA

13 MF
Ricardo Clark
February 10, 1983 (age 26) 25 2 Houston Dynamo

14 MF
José Francisco Torres
October 29, 1987 (age 21) 6 0 Pachuca

15 DF
Chad Marshall
August 22, 1984 (age 25) 10 1 Columbus Crew

16 MF
Benny Feilhaber
January 19, 1985 (age 24) 26 2 AGF

17 FW
Jozy Altidore
November 6, 1989 (age 19) 19 8 Hull City[25]

18 GK
Brad Guzan
September 9, 1984 (age 25) 13 0 Aston Villa

U.S. Soccer Roster (Recent call-ups and reserves)
Player DoB (Age) Caps Goals Club Most Recent Call-Up
Marcus Hahnemann
June 15, 1972 (age 37) 6 0 Wolverhampton Wanderers
v. El Salvador; March 28, 2009
Luis Robles
May 11, 1984 (age 25) 1 0 Kaiserslautern
v. Honduras; July 23, 2009
Jon Busch
August 18, 1976 (age 33) 1 0 Chicago Fire
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Troy Perkins
July 20, 1981 (age 28) 6 0 Vålerenga
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009

Frankie Hejduk
August 5, 1974 (age 35) 84 7 Columbus Crew
v. Trinidad and Tobago; April 1, 2009
Danny Califf
March 17, 1980 (age 29) 23 1 Midtjylland
v. Brazil; June 28, 2009
Marvell Wynne
May 8, 1986 (age 23) 3 0 Toronto FC
v. Brazil; June 28, 2009
Jimmy Conrad
February 12, 1977 (age 32) 26 1 Kansas City Wizards
v. Panama; July 18, 2009
Clarence Goodson
May 17, 1982 (age 27) 6 1 Start
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Jay Heaps
August 2, 1976 (age 33) 4 0 New England Revolution
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Michael Parkhurst
January 24, 1984 (age 25) 8 0 Nordsjælland
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Heath Pearce
August 13, 1984 (age 25) 28 0 Unattached v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Jay DeMerit
December 4, 1979 (age 29) 16 0 Watford
v. Mexico; August 12, 2009

Maurice Edu
April 18, 1986 (age 23) 11 0 Rangers
v. Trinidad and Tobago; April 1, 2009
Pablo Mastroeni
December 26, 1976 (age 32) 65 0 Colorado Rapids
v. Honduras; June 6, 2009
DaMarcus Beasley
May 24, 1982 (age 27) 89 17 Rangers
v. Brazil; June 28, 2009
Sacha Kljestan
September 9, 1985 (age 24) 20 3 Chivas USA
v. Brazil; June 28, 2009
Freddy Adu
June 2, 1989 (age 20) 15 2 Belenenses[26]
v. Honduras; July 8, 2009
Colin Clark
April 11, 1984 (age 25) 1 0 Colorado Rapids
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Sam Cronin
December 12, 1986 (age 22) 2 0 Toronto FC
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Brad Evans
April 20, 1985 (age 24) 3 0 Seattle Sounders FC
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Logan Pause
August 22, 1981 (age 28) 5 0 Chicago Fire
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Kyle Beckerman
April 23, 1982 (age 27) 10 1 Real Salt Lake
v. El Salvador; September 5, 2009
Robbie Rogers
May 12, 1987 (age 22) 6 1 Columbus Crew
v. El Salvador; September 5, 2009

Eddie Johnson
March 31, 1984 (age 25) 37 12 Fulham
v. Trinidad and Tobago; April 1, 2009
Conor Casey
July 25, 1981 (age 28) 14 0 Colorado Rapids
v. Brazil; June 28, 2009
Davy Arnaud
June 22, 1980 (age 29) 7 1 Kansas City Wizards
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Kenny Cooper
October 21, 1984 (age 24) 9 4 1860 Munich
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009
Santino Quaranta
October 14, 1984 (age 24) 15 1 D.C. United
v. Mexico; July 26, 2009


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nl East Breakdown

Nl East Breakdown

The N.L east is cracking up to be one of the many run-a-way divisions in the MLB.

Philadelphia Phillies
The Philadelphia Phillies are a very talented team and could go very far in October. The Phil’s have a 6.0 game lead over the wildcard hopeful Florida Marlins. The World Series champs will, in essence, bring the same lineup to the plate this season. The Phillies have proven they can hit the long ball with lefties Ryan Howard, Raul Ibanez and Chase Utley both hitting over 30 home runs and righty, Jason Werth is also named among them with 30 plus homeruns also. The World Series MVP Cole Hamels has a new contract this season, and will have the help of newly acquired Cliff Lee and Pedro Martinez. However the addition of Lee sent Jamie Moyer, a 250 plus game winner to the bull pen to assist a struggling Brad Lidge. Now, the Phillies are looking big for a 2009 playoff berth and a possible World Series Repeat.

Florida Marlins
The Florida Marlins who have been less than impressive since there days as World Series Champions in 2003 are starting to rebuild there franchise into a young, impressive team. The Marlins have found production with short stop Hanley Ramirez who can play small ball, long ball and get the job done in the field. Dan Uggla who could be the most under rated second baseman in the National League. The Marlins are also aided on the mound by righty’s Josh Johnson and Ricky Nalasco. The Marlins may only be a second or third place finisher but watch out in the future.

Atlanta Braves
After a slow start the long shot wild card Braves are fighting for there lives in a touch N.l East. If they plan to make a decent playoff run they better start getting to work as they are aging fast with hall of fame hopeful Chipper Jones. Although Jones isn’t his old self, the Braves Catcher Brian McCann has stepped up to lead the team in both Home runs and RBI’s. The Braves also have a fair share of winning pitchers with, Derek Lowe leading with wins, Jair Jurrjens leading in ERA, and Javier Vazquez leading strikeouts. In General the Atlanta Braves are a very good team but also an aging one.

New York Mets
The New York Mets are probably the most unlucky team in the M.L.B. this season. The Mets could have been in World Series Contention if they weren’t plagued by numerous injuries both at the mound and at the plate. During the season the Mets injured pitchers JJ Putz, Oliver Perez, John Maine, and Johan Santana. At the plate they struggled without help of Carlos Delgado, Jose Reyes, and for some of the year David Wright. In order to intimidate teams in 2010 the Mets will have to clean up there injuries.

Washington Nationals
The Washing Nationals are the newest of M.L.B. teams but that is no excuse for being 30 games back. They do have a few good excuses for being as bad as they are as they are also on of the youngest teams. They are also trying to get better as recent addition Adam Dunn will attempt to lead the team in batting as 1st pick in the 09 draft Steven Strasburg will add his 104 mph fastball into there rotation. The Nationals may be a mediocre team now but in a couple of years they could be a playoff contending team.

N.L East Star Players

1. Johan Santana
2. Cliff Lee
3. Derek Lowe
4. Cole Hamels
5. Jair Jurrjens

1st Base
1. Ryan Howard
2. Adam Dunn
3. Adam Laroche
4. Jorge Cantu
5. David Murphy

2nd Base
1. Chase Utley
2. Dan Uggla
3. Luis Castillo
4. Willie Harris
5. Mike Prado

Short Stop
1. Hanley Ramirez
2. Jimmy Rollins
3. Christian Guzman
4. Yunel Escobar
5. Anderson Hernandez

3rd Base
1. David Wright
2. Ryan Zimmerman
3. Chipper Jones
4. Pedro Feliz
5. Jorge Cantu

Left Field
1. Raul Ibanez
2. Gary Sheffield
3. Garret Anderson
4. Chris Coglhan
5. Josh Willingham

Center Field
1. Nate McLouth
2. Shane Victerino
3. Cody Ross
4. Willie Harris
5. Angel Pagan

Right Field
1. Jason Werth
2. Elijah Dukes
3. Jeremy Hermida
4. Jeff Francoeur
5. Matt Diaz

Note: This was based on opinion.


Preseason NCAA Football Report: Here Come The Nittany Lions!

The Nittany Lions are ranked #8 in the Associated Press Poll but don’t count them out of a National Championship this year. With Daryll Clark leading the offense at quarterback and Evan Royster at running back, Penn State has a great offense. However, Penn State has lost all their great senior receivers they had last year including Derek Williams and Deion Butler. PSU’s defense isn’t bad either with Sean Lee and Navorro Bowman as the linebackers, the other Big Ten teams will have trouble moving the ball against Penn State’s “Linebacker U.” Also Beaver Stadium is another elusive part of the Nittany Lions. The Nittany Lions home field has a capacity of 107,282 people and roars when the Nittany Lions’ players come into its confines. The biggest weakness of PSU is their schedule. They open up against Akron and play a good many other mediocre teams including Temple, Syracuse, Eastern Illinois, and Indiana which is not a great schedule. Nevertheless, Penn State’s Big Ten conference holds some teams to be reckoned with. With such powerhouse teams as Ohio State, Michigan, Michigan State, and Iowa, the Nittany Lions could have a tough time this year. Although the Nittany lions will have tough teams to go up against this year, Penn State should prosper this year and look for them to possibly be the dark horse to win it all. With Penn State’s driving offense, powerful defense, and a crowd to shake any opposing quarterback; it could be a good year for the Nittany Lions in 2009.

Penn State 2009 Football Schedule

Sept. 5 AKRON
Sept. 19 TEMPLE
Sept. 26 IOWA
Oct. 3 at Illinois
Oct. 24 at Michigan
Oct. 31 at Northwestern
Nov. 21 at Michigan State

Penn State Football 2009 Depth Chart (Number, Name, Class)

1. 17 Daryll Clark, Sr.
2. 12 Kevin Newsome, Fr.

Running back:
1. 22 Evan Royster, Jr.
2. 21 Stefphon Green, rSo.

1. 5 Graham Zug, rJr. 6 Derek Moye, rSo. 83 Brett Brackett, Jr.
2. 84 Patrick Mauti, rSr. 14 AJ Price, rFr. 2 Chaz Powell, rSo. 8 James McDonald, rSr.

Tight end:
1. 10 Andrew Quarless, Sr.
2. 82 Mickey Shuler, Sr.

1. 50 DeOn’Tae Pannel, So.
2. 72 Nerraw McCormack, Sr.

1. 54 Matt Stankiewitch, rSr
2. 74 Johnnie Troutman, So.

1. 61 Stefen Wisniewski, Jr.
2. 68 Doug Klopacz, Jr.

1. 77 Lou Eliades, Jr.
2. 65 JB Walton, So.

1. 73 Dennis Landolt, Sr.
2. 79 Ako Poti, Sr.

1. 36 Collin Wagner, Jr.
2. 29 Anthony Fera, Fr.

Defensive End:
1. 81 Jack Crawford, So.
2. 56 Eric Latimore, So.

Defensive End:
1. 5 Jerome Hayes, rSr.
2. 44 Kevion Latham, So.

Defensive Tackle:
1. 91 Jared Odrick, Sr.
2. 71 Devon Still, So.

Defensive Tackle:
1. 85 Ollie Ogbu, Jr.
2. 99 Brandon Ware, rFr.

Outside Linebacker:
1. 42 Mike Mauti, So.
2. 34 Nate Stupar, So.

Middle Linebacker:
1. 45 Sean Lee, Sr.
2. 43 Josh Hull, Sr.

Outside Linebacker:
1. 11 Navarro Bowman, Jr.
2. 15 Bani Gbadyu, Jr.

1. 1 AJ Wallace, Sr.
2. 20 Devin Fentress, Sr.

1. 20 Drew Astorino, rSo.
2. 10 Nick Sukay, So.

1. 13 Andrew Dailey, rSo.
2. 6 Gerald Hodges, Fr.

1. 4 Knowledge Simmons, Sr.
2. 8 D’Anton Lynn, So.

1. 41 Jeremy Boone, Sr.
2. 49 Ryan Breen, rSo.

Kick Returner:
1. 2 Chaz Powell, rSo.
2. 6 Gerald Hodges, Fr.

Punt Returner:
1. 2 Chaz Powell, rSo.
2. NA