Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Sit Down with Dominic From War Dance

Interview with Dominic Santiago

Northern Uganda suffered from civil unrest since the early 1980s. Hundreds of people were killed in the rebellion against the Ugandan government, and an estimated 400-thousand people were left homeless. Political violence increased in Kampala with the 1998 and 1999 bombings of several popular restaurants nightclubs, and other public places. Eight foreign tourists, including two Americans, were murdered by an Interehamwe guerilla group in Bwindi National Forest in March 1999. The genocide continues today.

D.P = Devan Poist
D.S = Dominic Santiago

D.P- How’s it going Dominic?

D.S- Im doing just fine, thank you

D.P- First off, I would like to congratulate you on making it to the National Music Competition, how much does that mean to you?

D.S- It just means the world to me; I always say “I want to be a musician because playing the xylophone is like a gift from god. Without music there would be no life”.

D.P- How long would you like to be in music?

D.S- Certainly as long as I can, its my passion and I enjoy nothing more than music

D.P- Do you think you could join the Lords Resistance Army?

D.S- I would never want to, but faced with life or death I just can’t say if I would or I wouldn’t

D.P- What does it mean to you to sit down in a safe, clean room with me to do this interview

D.S- You have no idea, back home in our village the threat of danger is always eminent. You can never feel to safe

D.P- Last what is your favorite activity away from music?

D.S- Soccer for sure, I think its that way around all of Uganda

D.P- Thank you for your time.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Interview with Dominic Santiago

The children of war torn northern Uganda have been through a lot. Most kids have lost there parents and there families and are kidnapped and forced in to murdering people. The music that these children play soothe their souls and make them forget about their past experiences. Dominic Santiago is a former child soldier who is also a virtuoso xylophone player.

R.L.: How are you doing today?

D.S.: I’m doing fine thank you

R.L.: What was it like being a child soldier for the lord’s resistance army?

D.S.: It was very sad; I saw a lot of murders and even had to murder people myself.

R.L.: How big is music in your life?

D.S.: Music is a big part of my life it soothes and comforts me

R.L.: What was it like to go to the national music competition?

D.S.: It was a great experience to play my xylophone at the national music competition and actually win an award when I was there.

R.L.: Do you think you will be interested in music as your life progresses?

D.S.: Of course it will be, it saves me from my terrifying past when I play my music I don’t think about what happened in the past.

R.L.: Do you plan to have a career in music?

D.S.: Yes, I want to be involved in music as long as I can

R.L.: Thank you for your patience today; it was nice speaking with you.

D.S.: It was my pleasure

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Off-Season

Now that the fall soccer season has officially ended for all schools and teams, it is time for coaches to turn their attention to the offseason. The offseason is one of the most important times for the development of teams and players. Soccer coaches need to come up with an off-season program that will benefit a single player as well as the team. A good off season soccer program combines the elements of speed, agility, good touches, and stamina.
An important part of being a good soccer player is having stamina. The offseason is a good time for a soccer player to develop their aerobic ability. Playing small sided games can help raise the heart rate and develop some cardiovascular fitness but it is also important that the athlete do some work on their own. After the season has ended and the athlete has had some time to rest, the next weeks should include some aerobic work. The athlete should try to run 20 to 25 minutes and gradually build up to 30 or 40 minutes. By building up their stamina, the soccer player can run for longer sustained periods during a game.
All soccer players must have some level of speed. Athletes can work on speed by doing small distance sprints and moving ahead to long distance sprints. It is important to work on small distance sprints in order to develop good acceleration and explosion. By progressing to long distance sprints, it can then simulate the longer sprints required in a soccer match. The soccer player should work on good form. They can also incorporate long slow distance runs with sprints in between. There are also various soccer devices designed specifically for speed training that can be used on an individual or as a team.
The way that a soccer player moves on the field is very important. Timing and quickness is everything in how a soccer player moves. A delay or wrong movement could lead to an opponent stealing the ball and putting together a scoring chance. Agility helps a soccer player move correctly and efficiently. There are many different agility drills that you can do and find in different soccer books. After much practice all your players will have good touches, be agile, and be quick. You should realize a change for the better in your club.
New Oxford Colonials boy’s soccer has quite a long training season ahead of them but it should pay off, come time to take the pitch.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thats One Expensive Step For Man Kind...

In 2012, a Barcelona Hotel company will begin accepting its first payments for a few lucky (and rich) vacationers to go to a destination out of this world…literally. The Barcelona based architects of The Galactic Suite Space Resort say it will cost about 3 million euro ($4.4 million) for a three night stay at the terrestrial destination. Its not all fun and games in space because along with the space trip guests will have to endure an eight week training course on a tropical island. During there stay at the hotel guests will be able to experience the sun rise 15 times a day and travel around the world about once every hour. They would have to wear Velcro suits just so they can crawl around their pod rooms by sticking themselves to the ceiling and walls just like Spiderman does it. Ideas for this hotel have already started and Scientists say it wouldn’t be hard to believe that in 15 years you could be floating in space with your kids. British Billionaire Richard Branson has plans to launch his space tours program from the hotel at an outstanding $200,000 dollars a ride. Galactic Suite set up in 2007, hopes to start its project with a single pod in orbit 280 miles above the earth, traveling at 30,000 km per hour, with the capacity to hold four guests and two astronaut pilots. It will take a total of a day and a half to reach the pod, with no body to greet them at the door. When passengers arrive in the rocket, they will join it for 3 days, rocket and capsule. With this we create in the tourist a confidence that he hasn’t been abandoned. After three days the passenger returns to the transport rocket and returns to earth. What will we think of next?

Interview with Dominic Santiago, a Victimized Child of Patongo

There have been many horrible happenings in Patongo. Rebels have dragged mothers and fathers from their homes where their children are and killed the parents leaving the children alone without family. Then the rebels take the children and make them kill their own people. It is a hard time to think positive in Patongo but the victimized children have found a way out of this madness by competing in the National Music Competition.

A.R.: Hi Dominic, how are you doing?

D.S.: Pretty good; I am fine and ready to answer your questions.

A.R.: Well to start out, do you play any sports in the village?

D.S.: Yes, we like to play soccer

A.R.: Do you consider this musical competition a sport to you?

D.S.: Yes, it is very fun but we also want to win.

A.R.: Losing your father to the rebels, what do you believe should be done to these people?

D.S.: I am very sad about this and believe that these people should be punished and put in jail. I love my father and he should have not been killed.

A.R.: That sounds very logical Dominic. So next, how did you feel about your groups chances at winning the competition?

D.S.: I felt very good about our chances at winning because we practiced very hard.

A.R.: After, the competition, you were announced as the best overall musician at the competition. Congratulations and how do you feel about getting this award?

D.S.: Thank you and I am very happy to win this award. I feel proud to represent my village this way.

A.R: Yes, you did a wonderful job playing the xylophone and you represented your village very well. How do you feel about winning the Traditional Dance Award?

D.S.: Yes we were very happy about winning this award and believe our hard work has paid off.

A.R.: Yes, you should be very proud of your selves. Well, its been a pleasure interviewing you and thank you very much.

D.S: It’s been a pleasure and thank you. Have a nice day.

A.R.: Have a good day.